Saturday, August 16, 2008

What about the dad?

Have you watched the new anti-dengue campaign commercial on telly?

It features a little boy in ICU and his mother having flashbacks of happier moments. A voiceover expresses her regret that she was not more vigilant in eradicating sources of stagnant water from their home.

It irks me that the dad is only featured playing with the boy in the flashback scenes. Shouldn't he also play a role in protecting his family and home?

In today's society, where dual career couples form the majority of families, women definitely need more support from their husbands in raising families. They cannot be expected to bear the brunt of contributing to the family income and taking care of the household. Men need to also do their part, and I'm sure that many do.

So what's with the archaic gender stereotype then?

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